=> Two, the bomb works by creating a small miniature sun which immediately goes supernova, or more accurately a gravitational collapse.

All this occurs in less than a fraction of a second and it still does not explain how the original explosion could be seen falling into itself, or focusing a blast into a planar shockwave. => One, the bomb is basically a thermonuclear device, an implosion type weapon using nuclear materials similar to plutonium which is compressed by a sphere of explosives and increasing its density by twice to four times its original, causing them to go critical. Second, what kind of bomb devise works by collapsing an explosion on itself, and then release its energy in a planar shockwave? For the implosion, there's only two possibilities where this could happen: And how does it 'draw' sound from the two ships? Does it suck in gas from the cockpits of the spacecrafts so it could generate sound? Does the bomb achieve this by manipulating matter via something like Quantum Entanglement? That still does not address the fact that there is no gaseous medium to generate sound. The idea during the production of Episode II was that the charge would suck in and absorb all the sound around it (such as the sounds of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jango Fett's ships during their fight in the Geonosis asteroid belt), and then release them in a sonic explosion, resulting in the shockwave effect heard in the explosion sound. Of course, the Behind the Scene section addresses this problem: Without atmospheric gasses to conduct sound vibration, how does it draw in all the sound? How does go PING! When it detonates? įirst, how exactly is a Seismic charge capable of 'drawing' all the sound in a given area around it when there's no sound? The battle occurred at the asteroid ring far from the planet's atmosphere.

Such seismic waves were even capable of penetrating thin durasteel plating, though the Void-7 seismic charge was much more powerful. They were particularly effective in asteroid fields, enabling the pilot to clear an area of hazardous asteroids. This small explosion soon collapsed in upon itself before releasing a shock wave of energy that would obliterate material in its path. A few seconds after launch, a seismic charge would detonate into a blue ball-shaped explosion which had the unusual side-effect of drawing in all sound from a given area around it.