Saved Marvick from the wraiths during Little Sisters. Sven and Geralt survived the fight together during The Butcher of Cidaris. Sided with Roche during At a Crossroads: Vernon Roche. Did not remove Geralt's tattoo during Hung Over. Punched Iorveth and gotten him captured by Roche during Where is Triss Merigold?. Romanced Triss during The Rose of Remembrance. Investigated Malena and gave her a chance to explain herself during Malena. Saved Gridley and Rupert from the Nilfgardian wraith but handed them over to the authorities during In the Claws of Madness. Killed Vencel Pugg and his goons (members of Salamandra) during The Scent of Incense. Accepted to drink the fertility potion given by two scientists (which are referenced in the Witcher 3). Escaped the dungeon with Aryan La Valette during The Dungeons of the La Valettes. Cooperated with Roche during the interrogations. Protected the peasants from murders and rapes during Woe to the Vanquished. Spared Aryan La Valette in the battle during At the Fore. Convinced Newboy that his talisman is cursed and saved his life during Melitele's Heart. Plenty of other major and minor references based on the choices made (choices are all listed below). He re-establishes the Conclave Of Mages under his iron fist with Carduin as its leader who can be found at Oxenfurt Harbor, because Geralt saved Triss in Loc Muinne King Radovid V will not be hunting down all mages. Princess Adda, the Queen of Redania and Radovid's wife will be alive (although not mentioned). Letho will be alive and available to be recruited in the game because he was spared in Loc Muinne. Sile De Tansarville will be alive in Oxenfurt's prison because she was saved in Loc Muinne. Ambassador Var Attre will mention the murdered King Henselt and Kaedwen's mourning state because Roche killed him during the siege of Vergen. Rose Of Remembrance can be found in Triss' home in Oxenfurt because Geralt romanced her at the elven baths. A note can be found in Oxenfurt because Geralt agreed to drink the fertility potion given to him by two scientists studying human fertility. During Broken Flowers, Mary Louisa La Valette will be glad to see Geralt and accompany him because he saved her son Aryan. Geralt will have the Blue Stripes tattoo on his neck. Triss and Geralt are romantically involved as they're on the journey with the Temerian Special Forces and their commander Vernon Roche.
Being a bridge between both worlds for humans, nonhumans and monsters.Īll quests and contracts have been completed.
Saving and sparing humans and monsters alike as long as they're not intentionally causing harm. Always trying to find a peaceful solution whenever possible.
I played through the game as Geralt being the "defender of the downtrodden". You can check all the choices previously made as well. This story is a direct continuation of my Witcher 2 Save Import - The Neutral Path And Triss save.